[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”74″ gal_title=”Consignment Auction”]
Attention Everyone: First Annual Stephenson County Farm & Construction Equipment Consignment Auction .
Advanced Auction and Appraisal is doing this in conjunction with DeHaven Equipment.
The date of the auction is: Saturday June 12th, 2021, which will be LIVE ONSITE and LIVE ONLINE. Auction starts at 9:00 am. Auction inspection: will be held on Friday June 11th, 2021 starting 9:00 a.m. and ending at 3:00 p.m. Buyers will be given 3 business days to remove inventory. Loading will be provided if needed.
Location: 2637 Hillcrest Road, Freeport, IL watch for Auction Signs.
The terms of the auction shall be Cash or Check, Wire Transfers from Online Bidders and Onsite Bidders. All items will be sold “As is Where is”.
For consignments or any questions, please contact O.D. Holley at 815-218-0705 or Josh DeHaven at 815-541-7345.
Here is a list of items that we have received so far:
Tractors: 4630 JohnDeere 7663 hrs syncro shift new rear tires,
4020 John Deere 6850 hrs powershift dual hyd 100 hrs on rebuild new batteries, Case IH MXM 190 FWA 2005 pto break out 46in rear tires, Massey Ferguson 1100 diesel, New Holland mdl#8770 (FWA) front 3pt rear duals $26,000 transmission overhaul by New Holland
Collector Tractors: MASSEY HARRIS 44, Minneapolis Moline G706 LP gas FWA, John Deere ATractor serial #503972 model A
Combines: John Deere 2260 combine
643 low tin head
JD 216 grain platfoarm, New Idea 2 row corn picker 38in rows, 1020 17.5′ Case IH Bean Head, 1020 20′ Case IH Bean
Field Equip & Planters: 4 sec drag on cart, 12 ft disc
20ft Krause disk
24ft Krause disk
John Deere 6 row planter 7000 model
M&W grain drill model 2008 double disc 20ft end trans port
John Deere 10ft drill
John Deere 6 row cultvator, White 508 moldboard plow, Kewanee mdl#1175 24ft disc w/7 inch spacing, M&W mdl#1460 7 shank ripper
Foliage equip & Mowers: Bush Hog 2615 Bat Wing, 5 8 x 16 bale cages
Meyer 518 wagon
John Deere 336 square baler kicker
Chopper box
New Holland 716 tandem
Chopper box, IH Mdl 1190 hay bine newer cutter bar, chain sprockets, rack guards t-bar
Badger 1416W 3ft extension
Hesston 555 baler twine
2 9×18 kicker wagons with conveyor, Knight 7-17 chopper box, Hesston 1120 9 ft haybineJD 5 bar rake dolly wheel, Pequea 710 tedder
Topair 750 gal sprayer 45ft boom hydraulic fold, New Holland 790 chopper & hay head, 851 New Holland Round Bailer
Commercial mowers: John Deere 653A mower 7365 hrs, Toro Z Master newer Kawasaki 26HP motor, Toro Realmaster 2000 mower, Woods diesel F21D zero turn mower
Greens 52 in stanup mower
Grass Hopper 720k with snow blower, Woods 6ft 3pt mower
Skid Steers: White 425 skidloader 980 hrs
Skid Steers Attachments: 84″ Skid Steer Rock & Brush Grapple, 80″ Skid Steer Rock & Brush Grapple, 75″ Skid Steer Rock & Brush Grapple, 66″ Skid Steer Rock & Brush Grapple, 70″ Skid Steer Root Grapple, 80″ Skid Steer Root Grapple, 84″ Skid Steer Rock Bucket, 80″ Skid Steer Rock Bucket, 75″ Skid Steer Rock Bucket, 66″ Skid Steer Rock Bucket, 74″ Heavy Duty Skid Steer Brush Mower, 2 sets of pallet fork extensions, 2 receiver hitch skid steer trailer movers, 4 weldable open quick attach plates, 4 weldable closed quick attach plates
Industrial equip: Lincoln gas welder model 225
Cat V508 forklift
Pasquali 993 4×4
Ingersoll Rand 250 air compressor 2001 model
Trucks: 2004 GMC C7500 bump box stainless salt spreader boss plow nice, 77 model pintel hitch trailer 24000 GVWR flatbed
Sprayers & Fertilizer spreaders: Haygie 8250 sprayer with sprayer trailer needs electrical work, Dempster Fertilizer wagon
John Deere 7000 12 row front fold liquid fertilizer precision meters
Construction equip: Clark 75B wheel loader 3yard bucket 150 hrs on tires
Case 850E dozer 6way blade, John Deere 544B wheel loader clean, John Deere 644C wheel loader
Mixers: Patz V350 vertical mixer, GEHL 95, GEHL 135, Knight 2170 stationary real mixer rebuilt Steve crews concrete, Vermeer mdl# 256 Bale Grinder
Wagons & Trailers: 150 bushel corn wagon
air seed tender on trailer
Golf carts: Harley Davidson 3 wheel golf cart gas clean,
electric golf cart with charger. Manure spreaders: JD Mdl-N newer floor
Cattle Equipment: Custom built Portable Hoof Trimmer machine